Monday, January 18, 2016

How I Started to be an IELTS Coach

How I Started to be an IELTS Coach

I was going over some old files: documents, photos and videos on my computer. Sending those which I truly believe that  I don’t need them for now to the Recycle Bin.I had had removed a few and I saw this file. I thought it would be worthy sharing it to everyone.

I have plans of making and designing and soon publishing my own IELTS or practical English guide book specifically designed for Asian learners. For 8 years working part time as an English tutor and/or IELTS Mentor, I have seen  a lot of books, skits, drills, review materials, strategies and techniques. Some work well for others, but some don’t. But for a scored English exam such as the tough IELTS, nothing could be more important than results. Some techniques and drills might be so fancy or appealing for the teacher level, but what’s more important is something that students could grasps right away since IELTS is also a time-based test. You have got to get results done in a few given minutes for the test. Regardless, how one is well-adept with words or confident with his language level if he could not manage the given time, then probably he might end up having a lower score than his goal.

There are many approaches to IELTS actually, I mean for targeting a certain bond score for that matter. And the good thing here is that, I  had developed certain drills and experimented on my students for almost a decade. I stayed away from technical Western-suggested strategies because obviously, the level of language is different with ours. As an Asian myself, and a 2nd or 3rd language learner, I knew what works best for us. Whether formally or informally, I had coached students mostly from East Asia (Japan, Korea, and China). 80% are Korean High School and University Students. I also guided Filipinos (mostly nurses) and Thai Students as well. Along the way, there were few handful of Arabic and African students that asked guidance on how to arrived at their IELTS goal scores.

Anyways, the introduction seems too be too lengthy but as as a retrospect, it would be worthwhile to go back to how I got started as an English or leveled up to be and IELTS Coach and Adviser. I am not a language expert myself, because obviously I’m already a 3rd language learner, I had my own share of flaws and mistakes (often verbose and redundant) but what matters most is to be  or achieve a certain level that you could be very confident in.

This was the letter I gave to the Academic Head and the Vice-President of the School I used to work part-time for. And so, I  got in–was accepted and trained with some few selected faculty. And from there I developed and leveled up  my basic English skills into something that would benefit other Second/ English language learners for the next years despite I was just doing it part-time–mostly night time actually.

So without much further ado, Here it its:/
                            Dra. (Name Witheld)
                           CNS I Academic Head
                           Vice President
                            September 13, 2010
                             Dear Ma’am;

                            Greetings of Peace and Love!
                            Not only are my experience and training in IELTS not being put to “better” use                                         but also I feel too little or no growth at all with the work I’m having right                                                   now.  Though they are not actually getting wasted but seemingly I feel                                                         dormant  in  my department.
                             Nonetheless, I still feel satisfied enough because I think I’m an effective teacher in .                            a  way that there are improvements in our students performance no matter how                                      small  these improvements were. Related to these are our understanding                                                   and kind heart to at least “baby-sit” them. Personally, if I were asked, these                                           “numerical”  improvements are improvements in their behavior.
                             Going back to what I’ve stated earlier, I am re-expressing my desire to join                                               your  pool of IELTS teachers because I strongly believe that I can best help “lift                                          the  students’ bar” to another 0.5 or to a 1.0 bond. My ways and means                                                       of  instruction might appear different or radical but this is how I was molded                                             from CNS II—that is to invest and develop what the students have and less   on                                         feeding, which others my have been doing [unconsciously]. Unlike them, seldom                                      do  I give and feed, then at the end of the week or month, withdraws everything                                      fed by a test or two.
                             Only through joining your IELTS team can I really be of potential help to our                              clients  while achieving growth and further honing of my skills not only as                                  a teacher but also as a better person in the larger picture.
                             Should there be any vacancies or possibility that I can be a part of your                                                       elite IELTS  team, then I would be very grateful to grab that chance—an                                                       opportunity to work for and work with you.
                              Think like an examiner,
                               Teacher Eddie
                               Intensive English Program Teacher

Did you enjoy this “flashback”  article about my part-time job as a Language Coach? Are you interested in learning the technique I developed for 2nd or 3rd language acquisition?

Do you have an amazing personal experience that brings back wonderful memories to tell? Share your memories as well! Hope you enjoyed my personal experience.

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